📑Object Lists

What is an Object List?

Through these lists, Jack receives detailed information about individual spells, objects, and items in the world.

What can I do with it?

You can edit or extend these lists as you like. If Jack does not recognize something correctly in the game, add the spell/object/item to the appropriate list.

Where can I find these lists?

In your Jack folder under:

Can't I just have the lists updated?

Yes, click on Settings and select the tab "Jack".

All lists are updated at regular intervals.

How to edit/expand a list

In this example we explain how to add a new spell.

The procedure is the same for each list and game. Only the content may differ slightly.

  1. Open your Jack folder and navigate to /Data/Lists/GameName/.

  2. Open the file Spells.json with an editor of your choice.

  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom.

  4. Here we see now the last spells in the list:

  1. You can see a clear pattern: { Content, Content, Content }

  2. We now add a new spell to the list:

Don't forget the comma (red arrow).

  1. Adjust the values according to the following scheme:



Spell ID


"Spell Name"

  1. Restart Jack.

Last updated