Rotation Manager
A detailed overview to get familiar with the Rotation Manager.
Last updated
A detailed overview to get familiar with the Rotation Manager.
Last updated
We assume that you already have a rotation that you can edit.
Otherwise, create a copy: Rotation Manager -> Default Rotation -> Create a copy Or create your own rotation: Rotation Manager -> Create a Rotation
Start your desired game, log in and enter the world.
Open your Rotation Manager and click on the left button. (Alternatively, you can also right-click to open the context menu.)
In this example we are editing a level 80 Mage rotation.
Shows all spells, items and macros on your action bars.
General settings for character and pets.
Click here to add all spells/items/macros from your action bar to your rotation.
Here you can find all spells/items/macros that you already added to your rotation.
Drag'n'drop to change the priority.
You can also add/remove several spells at once while holding down the CTRL key.
Double click on a spell in your rotation to edit the spell conditions.
If you create a rotation while logged in, these values will adjust automatically.
Select the class for which this rotation is intended.
Select the class type (Melee or Range).
If you create a rotation while logged in, these values will adjust automatically.
Specify the maximum distance to the opponent in yards that your character should keep in the optimal case.
Specify the tollerance how far the opponent may move beyond the Combat Distance (1.) without your character having to readjust.
For example, if the character starts an attack at a distance of 25 yards and the opponent leaves the radius of 30 yards during the attack, the attack is aborted, the distance to the opponent is adjusted and the attack is started again.
Specify how long your character should wait to attack after your pet has started the attack.
Enable this option if you want your character to attack while your pet is on the way to the target.
Example Macro: