


Combat ModeBehaviourAvailability


All mobs in your Moblist will be attacked.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ❌


Attack only when character is attacked.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ✅


Will only attack when a node is reached and the character is in combat.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ❌


Ignore every combat.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ✅

PvP (Offensive)

Attacks other players.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ❌

PvP (Defensive)

Attack only when character is attacked by another player.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ❌

Pick Pocket (Offensive)

Attacks as soon as the mob/mob group is looted.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ❌

Pick Pocket (Defensive)

Attack only when character is attacked.

On Foot: ✅ Ground Mount: ✅ Flight Mount: ❌

Waypoint ModeBehaviour


Always takes the closest waypoint.


Strictly follow the order.


A mix of both. The most logical waypoint is always selected.

Skippable Waypoints

Specifies the maximum number of waypoints that can be skipped.

This is useful to avoid aligning itself on the other side of the profile at longer distances to the route.

Follow fleeing Targets

Specifies whether Jack should follow a fleeing target/attacker.

If this option is disabled, Jack will deal with other attackers first when a target flees. If there are no other attackers around, Jack will wait for the target to come back.

Use Auto-Navigation

Jack will use the mesh system for everything that is automatically controlled (opponents, nodes, events, etc.).



  • Uses the ground mount if the skill is learned.


Uses the flight mount if the skill is learned.

If the flight mount is activated, the combat mode and its selection are automatically adjusted.


Mining, Herbalism and Skinning

Choose what you want Jack to collect for you.

Jack automatically takes into account whether the respective profession has been learned and whether the skill level matches. Jack will not collect anything that your character cannot collect.

Gather Mobs

Corpses that can be collected through a profession are collected.

Detection Distance

Specifies the distance in yards from when a node should be recognized and/or approached.

If a flight mount is used, the distance affects the flight line.

Max. Path Distance

Specifies the maximum distance in yards of the generated path to the node. If this is exceeded, the node is ignored.

Gather Distance

Specifies the distance in yards "while" collecting.

Avoid Elites

Jack searches around the found node for Elites. If found, the node is ignored.


Around Waypoints

Affects the closest waypoint.

Around own location

Affects character position.

Around Mobs

Jack will search for more enemies around each enemy found.

General Height

Specifies the height difference. Good for caves, houses and other narrow environments.

Global Profile Settings

Last updated