✍ïļCreate a Rotation

In this guide we will create a rotation for class Mage at level 80.

The procedure for creating a rotation is the same for each game.


Prepare Spells

  • Start your desired game, log in and enter the world.

  • Place all the spells you want to use in the corresponding action bars.

For this example, we have placed several spells and one item for which we will set different conditions and requirements in the Spell Conditions.

Due to updates to the guides, spells in the following description may differ slightly. However, they refer to the same conditions.

Add Spells to Rotation

  • Open your Rotation Manager and click on the left button. (Alternatively, you can also right-click to open the context menu.)

  • On the left side you will see all spells, items and macros that are currently in your action bars.

  • Click on "Add all" to add all spells to your rotation or select the desired spells you want to add.

Spell Conditions

We will work through our spells in this example according to the following categories:

  • Aura/Buff

  • Combat

  • Conjuring

  • Food/Drink (Item)

Due to the amount of possible settings and conditions, we will present all Spell Conditions in this guide only in written form in the following structure:

Tab -> Group -> Option/Condition

  • Double click on the Spell and set the conditions in the order listed below.

Arcane Intellect

  • General -> Type -> Spell Type -> Buff/Aura

  • Save

Frost Armor

  • General -> Type -> Spell Type -> Buff/Aura

  • Save

Ice Barrier

  • General -> Type -> Spell Type -> Buff/Aura

  • Options -> Addition #4 -> Always active while in combat ✅

  • Options -> Addition #4 -> Always active while on the way to combat ✅

  • Save

Frost Nova

  • More -> Multiple Attackers -> Condition -> Greater or Equal

  • More -> Multiple Attackers -> Attackers -> 2

  • More -> Multiple Attackers -> Radius -> 5

  • More -> Multiple Attackers -> Step back after execution ✅

  • Save


  • Options -> Addition #2 -> Do not recast if active on ✅ -> Target

  • Save

Ice Lance

  • Properties -> Priority -> 5

  • General -> Power Type #1 -> Subject -> Target

  • General -> Power Type #1 -> Power Type -> HEALTH (in percent)

  • General -> Power Type #1 -> Condition -> Smaller or Equal -> 20

  • Save

Conjure Refreshment

  • General -> Item -> Item -> Conjured Mana Strudel

  • General -> Item -> Condition -> Smaller or Equal -> 2

  • General -> Item -> Amount -> 40

  • Save

Conjured Mana Strudel

  • General -> Power Type #1 -> Subject -> Player (Me)

  • General -> Power Type #1 -> Power Type -> HEALTH (in percent)

  • General -> Power Type #1 -> Condition -> Smaller or Equal -> 40

  • General -> Combine Power Type Conditions -> OR

  • General -> Power Type #2 -> Subject -> Player (Me)

  • General -> Power Type #2 -> Power Type -> MANA (in percent)

  • General -> Power Type #2 -> Condition -> Smaller or Equal -> 40

  • Save

Spell Priorities

To change the priorities, simply drag'n'drop the desired spell in your rotation.

The higher the spell in the list, the higher the priority.

  1. Frostnova

  2. Frostbolt

  3. Fireball

  4. Fire Blast

  5. Ice Lance

Last updated